Vitiligo OR White Spots Treatments

We offer a very effective ayurveda treatment for Vitiligo or White Spots. Ayurveda Medicines help to maintain normal color of skin without any side effects. It enhance the normal melanin synthesis and remove white spots on body.

Vitiligo & Leucoderma

Vitiligo & Leucoderma are two different terms used for the same skin disorders. But some causative difference is there in between vitiligo & Leucoderma. Basically Leucoderma is a Latin word which literally means ‘white skin’. It is popularly known as white patch also. It generally happens due to absence of melanin pigmentation over the skin.

Wisely we call it a ‘disorder’ as no pain and symptoms can be found in Vitiligo & Leucoderma. It may start with a small spot which later enlarge into a large white patch. It may be pale in colour initially but gradually it turns white with time due to complete loss of melanin pigmentation over affected areas. The shape and size of a white patch cannot be judged. The social value of Vitiligo & Leucoderma is dominant over its medical value preferably in India and almost all over the world due to its prominence over skin which differentiates a person from others. So, it is taken more as a ‘social stigma’ rather than a medical disorder almost all over the world.

One thing has to be noted that Vitiligo & Leucoderma are non infectious & non transmittable as it’s a disorder with colour change only. Although vitiligo patients are found almost all over the world but percentage of vitiligo sufferers are higher in India. Vitiligo patients include children, adolescents, adults (male & female) and elders also.

Cause of Vitiligo & Leucoderma

Cause of Leucoderma could be accidental as a cut, burn or an ulcer. With due reasons the melanocytes cells (which produce melanin pigment) become dormant or inactive. Due to this dormancy or inactivity the pigmentation gradually disappears from the skin layers and the skin converts white there resulting into a white patch

However cause of Vitiligo could be improper hygiene, inappropriate food combinations, regular junk food intake, insecticide/pesticide treated green vegetable intake regularly, past history of Jaundice or Typhoid fever, harsh Antibiotic use etc. One important cause of Vitiligo could be sudden emotional trauma, stress. Due to mentioned one or many reasons formation of toxins happen inside human body which disturbs the human Immune system and the disturbed immunity system reaches to the condition of Autoimmunity (a condition in which immune system of body destroys its own cells & tissues). This Autoimmunity is the basic important reason of Vitiligo according to Ayurvedic as well as Allopathic system of medicine.

In Ayurveda the reason behind Autoimmunity is mostly improper hygiene which is termed ‘virudh ahar sevan’ (as eating fish & milk together). This results into toxin formation inside the body which ultimately disturbs the immune system due to which the pigment producing melanocytes cells gets inactive or degenerated and thus vitiligo is formed.

Although hereditary condition which is almost 10-15%, is also attached as the cause of Vitiligo. But this is not certain that all the kids of vitiligo affected parents develop Vitiligo. Several families can be found unaffected despite family history of Vitiligo.

Sign and Pet areas of Vitiligo & Leucoderma

Vitiligo is symptomless. Only sign can be found as depigmented spots. The depigmented spots enlarge into white patch gradually. Pet areas of Vitiligo includes ear back, eyelids, lips, palms, palm back, face, scalp, around navel and mostly bony prominences as elbow, knee, ankles, finger joints etc. Mostly we found less blood circulation areas are more prone to vitiligo in human.

Who is affected by Vitiligo?

About 0.5 to 1 percent of the world's population, or as many as 65 million people, have vitiligo. In the United States, 1 to 2 million people have the disorder. Half the people who have vitiligo develop it before age 20; most develop it before their 40th birthday. The disorder affects both sexes and all races equally; however, it is more noticeable in people with dark skin.

Vitiligo seems to be somewhat more common in people with certain autoimmune diseases, including hyperthyroidism (an overactive thyroid gland), adrenocortical insufficiency (the adrenal gland does not produce enough of the hormone called corticosteroid), alopecia areata (patches of baldness), and pernicious anemia (a low level of red blood cells caused by the failure of the body to absorb vitamin B12). Scientists do not know the reason for the association between vitiligo and these autoimmune diseases. However, most people with vitiligo have no other autoimmune disease.

Vitiligo may also be hereditary; that is, it can run in families. Children whose parents have the disorder are more likely to develop vitiligo. In fact, 30 percent of people with vitiligo have a family member with the disease. However, only 5 to 7 percent of children will get vitiligo even if a parent has it, and most people with vitiligo do not have a family history of the disorder.

Vitiligo and Ayurveda

Ayurveda is the most ancient system of medicine. According to Ayurveda Vitiligo & Leucoderma are termed ‘Kilas’. It is further known as ‘Darun’, ‘Charun’ and ‘Switr’ as this is tridosaj. It is a skin disorder mainly due to inappropriate diet combination intake regularly and formed due to disturbance of tridosas namely ‘Vaat’, ‘Pitta’ and ‘Kapha’. After aggravation it moves & affects to rakta, mans and med dhatus. Ayurveda is considered best for vitiligo treatment since many years.

Vitiligo cure

Vitiligo cure can be achieved with ancient Ayurvedic herbs which are basically meant for treating the root cause of diseases. As Ayurveda enhances and stabilizes immunity power by improving metabolism of the body, lack of which is the only known reason for Vitiligo & Leucoderma. This theory is well applicable in complete vitiligo cure and leucoderma cure also as ancient Ayurveda is a treasure of different herbal combinations which can really cure vitiligo & leucoderma as in both auto immunity is the basic to the point reason.

These four points has to be considered & remembered for full Vitiligo cure & Leucoderma cure which are:-

  • To Choose Correct Ayurvedic Doctor (Mainly Herbal Vitiligo Specialist).
  • To have patience & to develop positive thinking.
  • To strictly follow dietary restrictions & to follow add on advises of ayurvedic doctor.
  • To have faith on treatment