We offer a very effective ayurveda treatment for Paralysis & Epilepsy.


Paralysis is the loss of muscle movements and coordination in some parts of the body. The individual is unable to move his body as he wishes and needs the help of someone else. The loss of movement ability occur in hand muscles, leg muscles, facial muscles etc leading to paralysis in that particular region.
Paralysis or palsy means loss of muscular power due to some problem in the Nervous System. Various technical names are given to various forms of the disease. Hemiplegia is applied to paralysis affecting one part of the face along with the corresponding arm and leg. Diplegia means total paralysis. Monoplegia is the paralysis of single limb
Symptoms of Paralysis

  • Weakness or paralysis of the limbs
  • Loss of sensitivity on the affected part
  • Impairment of vision
  • Frequent loss of conscience
  • Paralysis of the muscles of the face
  • Difficulty in speaking
  • Coordination problems
  • Dizziness,
  • Sudden headache
  • Sleep disorders

Causes of Paralysis

  • Due to vitiation of vata dosha
  • Impairment of the central nervous system like brain/ spinal cord
  • Strokes- loss of blood supply to the brain
  • Hypertension
  • Diabetes
  • Tumors in the brain-these build up pressure on the blood vessels in the brain
  • Trauma
  • Neurological diseases
  • Spondolysis
  • Multiple sclerosis

Ayurvedic Treatments for Paralysis
Ayurveda terms paralysis as pakshavada, a disorder caused by the vitiation of vata dosha. Ayurvedic treatments for paralysis will aim to rectify the vitiated vata dosha. In the ayurveda system of medicine vata is responsible for the proper coordination of all voluntary movements in the human body. A constraint in the proper movement of vata can cause paralysis in a person.
Internal medicines will be given in addition to purification therapies like vasti, abhyangam, kizhi, siro dhara, thalam, njavara kizhi etc. to bring the patient back to normalcy after the removal of toxins. Purification process will be undertaken only after a complete diagnosis of the patient: the condition of patient, duration of disease and whether actual cause of the disease is hemorrhage, emboli or ischemia. Specific exercises will be helpful in some patients. Yoga and meditation is found to be very effective and is also part of the ayurveda treatment for paralysis.

Ayurvedic Remedies for Paralysis

  • Take warm and freshly cooked foods
  • Avoid foods that are bitter, pungent in taste
  • Include sweet, sour and salty foods in your diet
  • Consume nuts
  • Rice and wheat ok – avoid barley, millet, rye
  • Avoid red meats such as beef, pork, and mutton
  • Massage the affected parts with ayurveda tailam
  • Practice yoga and meditation
  • Proper care of the affected person


Epilepsy or Apasmara in Ayurveda is a neurological disorder characterized by sudden recurring fits of seizures with or without loss of conscience. It is a neurological disorder which can occur either as a symptom of a brain diseaseor without any known pathology. An epileptic attack may range from mild episodes of progressive numbing of a part of the body to sudden involuntary contractions of the muscles.
It is generally characterized by ‘clinical events’ called seizures featured by instantaneous loss of memory with or without spasm of body (generalized or localized). Violent convulsions, twitching of the muscles, biting of the tongue, distorted fixation of thumb, rotation of the head etc are a few of the other symptoms seen in patients suffering from epilepsy. Factors like deprivation of sleep, high fever, use of alcohol, alcohol withdrawal, mental stress etc can trigger seizures. 
According to Ayurveda, epilepsy is a result of the vitiation of the vata dosha which particularly affects the head. However, it can also be caused by vitiation of pitta or kapha. Sometimes external situations combine with internal doshasto cause this disease, but external events can never be the sole cause. It is described as Apasmara or apasmaram in Ayurveda.

 Causes of Epilepsy

  • Occurs due to electrical impulses produced in the brain
  • Genetic factors,
  • Birth injury to brain
  • Hydrocephalus & cerebral anoxia
  • Drugs and alcohol, Tumors, tuberculosis, parasites in the brain
  • Drugs like penicillin, chloroquine, medicines for depression, angina etc
  • Meningitis, renal and liver failure etc

Ayurvedic Treatments for Epilepsy

  • Ayurvedic treatment for epilepsy would include:
  • Panchakarma treatments (Purification treatments)
  • Internal medicines like kashayams, lehyams, choornams etc
  • Therapies like siro pichu (oleation of the cerebral sutures), thalam (retaining medicated oil on head), siro dhara (pouring of medicated oil over head),
  • Yoga and meditations would also be helpful.

Ayurvedic Remedies for Epilepsy 

  • Avoid eating unclean and unwholesome foods 
  • Avoid all types of mental strains.
  • Maintain regular sleep-patterns
  • Have a well-balanced diet
  • Regulate the lifestyle with Ayurvedic daily routine
  • Exercise regularly
  • Do not suppress natural urges
  • Practice yoga and meditation regularly
  • Intake of pungent food strictly prohibited.