Cosmetic Problems Treatment

We offer a very effective ayurveda treatment for Cosmetic Problems.

Ayurveda About Acne

All the skin diseases are described under one heading - Kustha, in Ayurveda. On a broad level Kustha is divided into two- Mahakustha (Hard to treat and chronic conditions) and Kshudrkustha (Easy to treat). In Ayurveda Acne is termed "Yuvan Pidika" a sanskrit term which means "disease of adolescence". This is clear from name that Ayurvedic Seers were well known to the condition so should be for the treatment. One thing is amazing, it is classified under Kshudrakustha, means it is easy to treat!! Then why modern medicine is helpless, perhaps they are clueless about some of the realities, to which Ayurveda was well known.

Modern day medical science says Acne has nothing to do with the diet, lifestyle and psychological conditions; Ayurveda is totally disagreeing with this thought. According to Ayurveda, what one eats and how one lives matters a lot in every condition. Specially when it comes to skin diseases, diet is more concerned. As skin is told to be nourished directly by sap of ingested foods, when one consumes the unhealthy food stuff, it leads to diseases, in young age it may be acne and in old age it will be joint ache or cardiac problems. One cannot rule out the role of diet in any disease.

Acne and mostly all the skin diseases are results of "impure blood"!! Impure Blood? Ayurveda tells that every part and every system of the body is of two conditions. One is the normal, physiological condition and second is the disturbed and pathological condition. So pure for normal condition and impure for the pathological condition. The seat for the blood and its purity is Liver. Secondly, Pitta body type people are more prone to these skin diseases because they are prone to liver dysfunction and problems with Pitta. Pitta is an associated Dosha with the blood so blood aggravates soon, when there is some disturbance in the body with Pitta.

Modern sciences also believe that Liver has a great role to play in skin diseases. Modern people follow Ayurveda and curse it!? It is usually told that some drugs for hormonal balance and anti-depressant can cause the acne. And this statement is used to rule out the role of the hormonal state of one and that of psychology? Most of the anti-depressants are the medicines which have the bad impact on the liver. I have seen many patients which were taking alprazolam in routine and were suffering from the skin diseases, not only Acne and allied conditions, but also diseases like- Psoriasis and eczema also. Modern docs are trying to treat the skin by applying some ointments and creams over skin, or they will go for the anti-biotics to heal the body. Steroidal creams to arrest the inflammatory changes and antibiotics for killing the bacteria. Why these "white-coat" guys miss the point that they are stopping the things but is there any effort to heal a condition ....or a condition that a disease won't appear anymore. It is easy to kill bacteria, but hard to make the body too strong to fight the bacteria by itself.

Coming back to Ayurveda, Ayurveda tells that when one is facing problem with the skin it means that there is some problem with in the body. Never forget these pains and rashes all are the language of the body to tell that something is going wrong with the body. We think it is bad. No, it is helpful for us, so that we can find what is the problem with the body for which it is showing these alarming conditions.

Don't suffocate your skin by applying some bad chemicals...when nature has all the best solutions for your beautiful Skin!

We have brought the best Ayurvedic Treatment for Acne ....!!! Herbal acne treatment is becoming very popular in acne treatments these days. This cannot but be connected with fact that many a times they left behind no after effect like chemically based treatment. One popular method of herbal acne treatment is through Ayurveda.

These type of herbs have been in traditional use since centuries in various parts of the world, most especially in India, that is the birthplace of the Ayurvedic form of medicine.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Hair Fall Control

Ayurvedic practitioners believe that hair fall control is very much associated to the body type and also the stability of your mind-body structure. How to control hair fall? Ayurvedic treatment for hair loss helps in controlling hair related problems.

Ayurvedic treatment considers the hair as a byproduct for bone formation. The tissues which are responsible for formation of bones are also responsible for your hair growth.

Individuals who have straight and fine hair and tends towards blonde or red; their hair typically turns into gray sooner.

They lose their hair early in the life or they will have prematurely thin or gray hair.

Ayurvedic treatment for hair loss is usually a combination of herbs, diet, meditation, yoga, breathing, aromatherapy, and oil massage. For hair fall control, you need to drink 1/3rd cup of aloe vera juice. Instead of this, you can also take 1 tbsp of aloe vera gel with a pinch of cumin thrice a day for 2-3 months for hair fall control.

Dark Under-Eye Circles

How and why your body creates dark under-eye circles

Most people think that dark under-eye circles are caused by staying up late watching monster movies, or having that last drink the night before, or sitting up with your laptop trying to finish the quarterly report. Most people think that their behavior is somehow linked to dark under-eye circles.

Well, most people are dead wrong.

If nothing else, I want you to know that dark under-eye circles are not your fault. They don't mysteriously appear when you misbehave or are stressed out, only to vanish when you get 8 straight hours of sleep. Dark under-eye circles are a by-product of the very same mechanism that produces bruises (and you don't blame yourself for bruising, do you?). Changing your behavior will, in almost every case, NOT get rid of your dark under-eye circles.

What causes dark under-eye circles

Your shiners, your raccoon eyes, your blue luggage... whatever you call your dark under-eye circles, here's what they really are: oxidizing hemoglobin.

Dark under-eye circles begin in the capillaries, the tiny blood vessels that web the delicate skin around the eyes. Now, your capillaries are so small that red blood cells sometimes have to line up, single file, to get through. Frequently, red blood cells get lost and wander into the surrounding skin. This isn't a problem - it happens all the time - and your body has a mechanism to mop up these escapees. Enzymes in your body break down the red blood cells, including their hemoglobin (the molecule that gives them their distinctive red color).

No problem, right? Except for one thing: when hemoglobin is broken down, its remaining components have a dark blue-black color. Just like a bruise. So your dark under-eye circles are actually caused by leaky capillaries.

How dark under-eye circles are like bruises

When something hits you, blood vessels are traumatized and sometimes broken. Blood leaks out into the surrounding skin. Your body begins the mopping-up process, and you see a dark, purplish or blue-black discoloration.

So, as you can see, dark under-eye circles are very similar to bruises. The same mechanisms produce them.

Why are dark under-eye circles so visible?

It's quite possible that capillaries all over your body are leaking small amounts of blood all the time (I don't know if this is true or not). But the reason dark under-eye circles are so apparent is this: the skin around the eyes is some of the thinnest, most delicate skin of your entire body. The capillaries are much closer to the surface of the skin there. Many people's skin is not only thinner around the eyes, but also more translucent.

The combination of capillaries near the skin's surface and translucent skin makes this discoloration much more apparent. And that's why you have those dark under-eye circles staring back at you in the mirror.

Dark circles under Eyes or Dark Circles Beneath eyes

Dark circles under eyes are very common beauty complaint. Nine out of 10 people have dark circles under their eyes at one time or another. How dark circles under eyes are caused ? The skin under our eyes is very thin. As we get exposed to sun rays, the skin under the eyes gets damaged and becomes more thin and wrinkled. The veins below this thin skin start looking prominent. Thus the wrinkles and prominent veins form dark circles. Some times pigmentation also causes dark circles.

Solutions for under eye dark circles

How to get rid of dark circle under eyes ? is the question that arises in your mind when you are suffering from under eye dark circles. Here are solutions for under eye dark circles.
  • Concealing the dark circles around eyes through make up techniques.
  • Do not use bleach or peels to make the dark circles around eyes light.
  • Treat the cause of illness mentioned above.
  • Sleep for sufficiently long hours to prevent formation of dark circles under eyes.
  • Do not scratch the under eye skin.
  • Diet, which is rich in nutrients helps to remove dark circles around eyes.
  • Lightly tap the under eye skin with one or two fingers to Increase the blood circulation.

Ayurveda guide for dark circles under eyes

The ayurveda remedy for dark circle consists of two steps.
  1. Body detoxification.
  2. Skin rejuvenation.
Dark circles under the eyes are often formed due to accumulation of toxins in body. Ayurvedic body cleansers (Herbal body cleansers) expel these toxins and purify the blood. The herbal under eye gel, when applied superficially, the skin texture is improved and skin is rejuvenated. The Herbal under eye gel also reduces the wrinkles below eyes and nourishes and tones the delicate skin around the eyes.

Pigmentation Problem

Responsible Dosha:- Bhranjak Pitta

Description : Skin pigmentation is irregular skin coloring which can be caused by changes in the skin melanin, vascular changes, or growth of foreign organisms on the skin. According to Ayurveda there are three basic body energy principal in our body (vata pitta and kapha). These 3 doshas divided in further 5 types to explains their role in our body. Pitta is composed of fire and water. There are five types of pitta & each responsible for a specific area of activity. Out of these five pitta one is known as bhranjak pitta present in the skin tissue, giving it color, temperature and aura. Environmental factor, life style and dietary habits imbalance the body pitta and aggravated pitta dosha creats skin related problems like pigmentation.

Breast Enlargement

God has made no doubt women beautiful. Women with a properly shaped and proportionate body are really attractive. But there are some women who by some reason are not able to attain proper sized breast. This disproportioned breast size as compared to her body makes her less attractive and it's a fact that no one pays attention to her their by her beauty is being disgraced.

Naturally Herbal Breast Enlargement Kit contain a breakthrough formula for natural breast enlargement. You can save thousands of dollars by avoiding expensive breast augmentation surgery. The recent advancements made by our center in herbal medicine have shown marvelous result. So here we have wonderful herbal remedies for Breast enlargement.

Breasts contain no muscles but only fat cells, milk-ducts and glands held together in a web of soft connective tissue so by exercising you cannot increase the bust size. Neither wills exercising directly reduces a heavy bust. This is especially true if your breasts are heavy if however you are over weight. A weight reducing diet combined with regular exercises will help you to reduce your weight as well as you bust size.

Increase your breast size by one inch in less than a month. We have developed an all natural Breast Enlargement product that addresses how you feel about - "Them" (Your Breasts). Now you can Fulfill your desire to look better and feel more confident. You will probably notice a big difference in how you feel about your appearance as well as how you feel about YOU in just a matter of days.

Naturally enlarge your breasts inches bigger in just a few weeks without breast augmentation. Fulfillment'/s all natural ingredients produce breast growth the safe and natural way. After using Fulfillment all natural breast enhancer, you will see changes. Your clothes will fit better and be more flattering. Or maybe you can finally fill out those sexy tops that you didn't feel confident wearing before.

Why pay more? There is absolutely no reason you should have to pay high prices to enhance the appearance of your breasts. Here at Natureday we provide high quality, natural herbs at half the cost of other companies. If you are still deciding what Breast development product is right for you, try a bottle of liquid Fulfillment and just see the difference for yourself. You can begin to see results in as little as a week!. There are no other Breast Enlargement products out there that offer results that fast!!

Causes of sagging breast

According to Ayurvedic principals chronic infections, stress, Leucorrhoea, menstrual period problems breast sagging or low breast size problem occurs.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Breast Enlargement

We have a wonderful Ayurvedic & herbal product for breast enlargement. A blend of herbs which are available in the form of cream which will act by :
  • Lift Up your breasts, bring you the ideal breasts
  • Instant Breast firmness & enhancement
  • Increases the overall breast size from 1 to 3 cup size
  • Promotes development of the lobules and then alveoli of the breasts
  • Protection from the free radicals
  • Stimulates the glandular tissue growth
  • Stimulates the development of the mammary tissues
  • Lengthen the milk ducts
  • Stimulate and expand the fat tissues
  • Develop stromal tissues right of the breast
  • Stimulating blood to better to get nourish skin
  • Improves the breast shapes & size with more visible cleavage.

Breast Enlargement Exercises

There are some helpful Yoga exercises tips which are really beneficial for breast enlargement. Yoga has several chest expansion asanas as mentioned below, which can help in improving the breast. Some special exercises for chest expansion can bring about a sizeable increase in the bust line over a period of time. Actually, exercise cannot improve the tissues of the breast itself, as they are simply layers of fat. But exercise can improve the underlying pectoral muscles, which can show a better bust. others are like below


Stand straight with your feet shoulder apart. Raise your arms to shoulder level, elbows bent so that your hands are in front of your chest and your elbows are the same height as the shoulder. Bend the wrist upwards slightly and spread the fingers of your hands. Imagine that you are pressing both hands against a solid object-hold the muscles of the hands, forearms, upper arm and chest region as tightly as if to rush the object you are holding. Focus your eyes in the space between your hands. Hold this position for 20 seconds, muscles as tight as possible, and repeat 3 to 5 times.


Stand straight with your feet shoulder apart. Extend your arms behind your back and interlock your fingers. This is the starting position. Bend forward from the hips, and at the same time, raise your arms behind your back as high as possible, without straining. Use your arms to accentuate the stretch to the shoulders and chest. Look forward with your face parallel to the floor. Hold for 30 seconds before returning to the upright position and relaxing your arms. Repeat 3 to 5 times.

Sajah Stabdhasana

Sit in vajrasana (sit on your legs, with legs touching the ground), look forward and hold your arms straight on the sides so that they are in line at the shoulder level. Stretch your hands backwards as though to touch the back of the palms together. Keep your back straight and your head and neck in line with the body. Hold this position for 20 seconds and repeat 3 to 5 times.


Lie on your stomach with your legs straight, feet together and flat on the floor. Place your palms on the floor, below and slightly to the side of the shoulders, fingers forward. Point your elbows backward and close to the sides of your body. Rest your forehead on the floor and close your eyes. Relax your whole body, the lower back in particular. Slowly raise your head, neck and shoulders. Straighten your elbows and raise the trunk as high as you can, using the muscles of your back rather than your arms. Then use your arm muscles to further raise the trunk and arch your back more. Gently tilt your head backwards and look up. Keep your public bone in contact with the floor and raise your navel. Unless your spine is very flexible your arms will remain slightly bent. Hold for 20 seconds and repeat 5 times, gradually increasing the time that you hold the posture. bend your arms and lower your body to floor to return to the starting position.


Sit in vajrasana. Stand on your knees and feet together (or separate if more comfortable), feet flat on the floor. If this is difficult, begin with the balls of your feet on the floor. Lean backward, slowly reaching for the right heel with the right hand and then the left heel with the left hand. Do not strain. Push your abdomen forward, keeping your thighs vertical, and bend your head and spine backwards as far as possible. Support your body weight using your arms and legs, and try to relax into the stretch. Hold in this position for 20 seconds and repeat 3 to 5 times, gradually increasing the time that you hold the posture. Slowly release the hands from the heels one at a time to return to the starting position.

Wrinkles and its remedies

Let us Know about Normal Skin before analyzing the skin with wrinkles.

The skin is made up of 3 layers - the epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous tissue. The epidermis is the outer layer .The cells of the epidermis, move from the bottom layer of the epidermis to the top layer. Epidermis acts as a protective layer to external environment. As the cells reach the top layer they flake off.

The second layer dermis, contains the connective tissues which are the structural elements of the skin. These tissues give skin the strength (collagen fibres), turgor, elasticity (elastin) etc. The cells of the epidermis receive their nutrients from the blood vessels in the dermis.

Below dermis is the subcutaneous tissue containing fat cells. These fat cells act as insulation to the body. The skin looks plumpy due to fat cells.

Due to innumerable causes changes occur in dermis and epidermis .This leads to formation of wrinkles.

Wrinkles are the worst and easily visible symptoms of old age. They are the most unwanted natural occurrence too. Of course, there are many cosmetic ways of treating wrinkles today but they can also lead you to some harmful side effects. Thus to begin with, you should go for the most natural and harmless way of treating wrinkles.

Ayurveda should be your first choice for this because; maintaining eternal physical and mental youth of a person has been a vital part of the studies of Ayurveda. Ayurveda has got in store some very effective home recepies for wrinkles.

Premature aging skin is one of the challenges before those who want to keep their skin youthful for longer periods of their lives. People, especially women, take many anti aging measures for skin care so that they may delay the process of aging which is represented by loosened skin. Ayurveda has deeply addressed this issue of aging skin. It says that premature aging of the skin is caused due to the aggravation of vata dosha, which naturally increases with age. Dryness of skin is a predominant trait of a Vata dosha body type constitution. Even in other people, Vata causes dryness of the skin when it is vitiated due to seasonal influences. In fact, skin ages due to both- internal as well as external factors. Internal factors may be listed as inability of skin to retain moisture, low levels of elastin production, lesser production of new skin cells etc. External factors include lifestyle choices and surrounding environment such as smoking, prolonged exposure to sun or extreme cold, poor diet, stress, lack of exercise etc. Here are some herbal remedies for skin. They are, in fact, home remedies for skin tightening which include usage of common household materials found in kitchen as well as some common Indian herbs.

There are many benefits of honey, one being its anti aging property. Take 1/2 tablespoon of honey and mix it with 1-2 tablespoon of rose water. Apply this mixture on face, neck, and other dry skin area. Leave it for about 15-20 minutes. Now wash it off with tepid water. Honey moisturizes and soothes dry skin. This mixture will clean your skin and tone it to give you a glowing complexion with wrinkle free skin.
  • Quit smoking Cigarette smoke ages skin by releasing an enzyme that breaks down elastin and collagen- vital components of skin.
  • Get adequate sleep. Sleeping position is also important. Try to sleep on your back, as it prevents wrinkle formation. Sleeping on sides may cause wrinkles on chin and cheek and sleeping with face-down will result in furrowed brow.
  • Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. They have anti-oxidants that help fight damage caused by free radicals. They keep skin younger and radiant.
  • Drink lots of water during the day to provide optimum supply of moisture to the skin.
  • Do not over-wash your face. Washing face too often removes skin off its natural barrier oils and moisture that protect against wrink Warts.