Sexual Weakness

Sexual function is a complex blend of anatomic, neurological, metabolic, endocrine and psychic factors an important human activity. Sex is just not a physical activity but also a mental relaxation and up liftman. If any one of the partners remain dissatisfied, the family life is disturbed. The male partner always worries of his ability to satisfy his female counterpart. If there is an erection, retention and early ejaculation problem then the male subject is designated as sexual dysfunction.

A person who is unable to perform and maintain erection sufficient for mutually satisfying intercourse is known as klaibya or dhajabhanga. All the classical and compilation work of Ayurveda deals with fertility, sexuality, its problems and solution as well as positive health in a separate chapter known as vajikarana tantra. Description about vajikarana and klaibya are available in the entire span ranging from Vedas to the present day text.Aim & objective of vajikarana tantra of Ayurveda is very clear and comprehensive i.e., procreative and recreative. This includes treating the mind as well as body.Next to the need of food, water and sleep, the sexual urge is the most powerful biological drive. The importance of this aspect of human life is duely recognised by Ayurvedic authority in a separate section known is vajikarana tantra. The inability to perform normal sexual desire and a willing partner is not able to have coitus with her due to lack of rigidity of the penis . Even if he manages to have erection, his anxiety will cause attacks of dyspnoea and profuse sweating and his attempts to have sex will result in a failure.Maharshi Vatsayan “Kamsutra” the famous book of sexology is mainly related to reecreative & charak samhita described both procreative and recreative.

Common Causes

  • Excessive masturbation.
  • Complete loss of desire (even in young man)
  • Excessive indulging in sex.
  • Local Injury
  • Syphilis.
  • Enlargement of prostate gland.
  • Impotency with diabetes mellitus
  • Mumps, obesity, excessive alcohol intake, smoking & drugs intake.

Few male Sexual disorders

  • Inability to have coitus due to lack of erection
  • Premature ejaculation
  • Loss of sexual desire

Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is persistent or re-current ejaculation with minimal sexual stimulation before, upon or shortly after penetration and before the person wishes it and is associated with marked distress or interpersonal difficulty. Premature ejaculation is a problem experienced mainly by younger men who masturbation when timing and control were unimportant . It may also occur after a prolonged period without sexual intercourse.

Types of premature Ejaculation

Neurological system pre mature ejaculation - often responds well to detailed psychosexual skills training to compensate for thee physiological pre-dispositional pharmacological agent.

Physical Illness pre mature ejaculation - can be caused by a number of acute diseases is acquired and occurs in all sexual situations. The most common cause is Prostatitis, other possible cause are Diabetes, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, virtually any urological pathology such as prostatic hypertropy, epilepsy, endocrine irregularities, athreoscleresis, cardio-vascular disease, generalise neurological disease, localised sensory impairement spurious polycythemia, cerebral tumours and poly neuritis.

Physical Injury pre mature ejaculation - it may caused by spinal cord injury, head injury, trauma to the sympathetic nervous system ,pelvic fractures and other torso trauma or localise sensory impairment.

Psychological system pre mature ejaculation — is caused by a personality characteristic that speeds ejaculation due to psychological disorder such as bipolar mood disorder, generalised anxiety disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder or one of the personality disorders.

Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction sometimes called impotence is the repeated in-ability to get or keep an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse. In older men, erectile dysfunction has a physical cause such as diseases, injury or side effect of allopathic drugs any disorder that causes injury to the nerves or impairs blood flow in the penis has the potential to cause erectile dysfunction.


Erectile Dysfunction can occurs when any of the events is disrupted. The sequence includes nerve impulses in the brain, spinal column and area around the penis and response in muscles, fibrous tissues, veins and arteries in and near the corpora cavarnosa. Diseases such as diabetes, kidney diseases multiple schlerosis, athroschlerosis, vascular diseases and neurological diseases caused erectile dysfunction. Surgery, (specially radical prostate surgery for cancer) can also injures nerves and arteries near the penis, injury to the penis, spinal chord, prostate, bladder and pelvis can lead to erectile dysfunction, smooth muscles, arteries and fibrouse tissues of the corpora cavarnossa. Many common allopathic medicine like anti-hypertensive, anti-histamine, anti-depressant, tranquilizer, appetite suppressant and ulcer healing drugs can produce erectile dysfunction. Psychological factors such as stress, anxiety, guilt, depression, low self esteem, and fear of sexual failure cause erectile dysfunction. Patient suffering from infection , gastric disturbances, who have undergone surgery recently, trauma, and during convalsence are likely to suffer from transient dysfunction. Other possible causes are smoking, and chronic alcoholism.

Loss of sexual desire or Libido

Loss of libido can be result from endocrinal dis-balance and psychological factor such as stress, anxiety, depression. There are some disease and medicines which are directly affect the sexual desire and libido.

Few female Sexual disorders

Some diseases cause sexual dysfunction in women.


There are some common changes in the physiology of sexual function after menopause. This is primary a result of a decrease in estrogens and testosterone levels. As women age they also experience decreased blood flow to their genitals. Common complains include a loss of desire, diminished responsiveness and low sexual arousal. Vaginal atropy, which involves thinning, drying and irritation of thee vaginal lining, causes significant distress for thee menopausal woman. Since there are some specific sexual changes during and after menopause and often impairment of physical health, continuity of sexual function and enjoyment require flexibility and adaptability on the part of the woman and her sexual partner. Again intimate relationship , relatively free of conflict , will support and enhance the sexual relationship.

Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding:

It is the condition where women have profuse bleeding per vagina or heavy irregular menstruation bleeding without any caused mostly happen in women who are older than 45 and sometimes in young girls. This may cause a sexual debility in female.

Loss of Libido

Loss of libido is a common problem that women face from time to time. Generally female hormones are directly responsible for female sex drive and libido. In addition to this fatigue, stress, depression, and medication are just a few of the other possible factors that may interfere with sexual desire. Again libido can result in difficulty becoming aroused and ultimately achieving climax or orgasm.


This is an abnormal pain during sexual intercourse. It may result from abnormal conditions of the genitalia, dysfunctional psychophysiology reaction to sexual union, forcible coition, or incomplete sexual arousal.

It is not a disease, but rather a symptom of an underlying physical or psychological disorder. The pain, which can be mild or severe, may appear in the genitals, the pelvic region, or the lower back. The condition is much more common among women.


  • Chronic pelvic inflammatory disease
  • Endometriosis, Vaginal agenesis
  • Vaginal duplication
  • Vaginal septation / dryness
  • Chronic constipation
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Past Surgery
  • Depression
  • Interstitial cystitis
  • Ovarian mass

Sex has always been an issue of dichotomy. An integral part of our lives and essential for the continuation of the species, it is far more than just a technical necessity. While social structures in India are quite strict on this, the study of sex - from both its physical and psychological perspectives - has been practiced here from ancient times. Unlike in the west, where this is a fairly recent phenomenon and they are yet to find the proper line of distinction between sex in general and pornography in particular.

On the other hand Maharishi Vatsayan's Kamasutra is yet unparalleled as the most comprehensive documentation ever on the practice of sex. Unfortunately, its classic treatment of the act and the art has often been misrepresented. The ancient Ayurvedic text of Charaka Samhita provided complete sexual solutions over 3000 years ago And the time-frozen, stone-carved, erotic sculptures in the temples at Khajuraho and Konarak leave millions of visitors utterly awe-struck by their sheer beauty, elegance and variety. An undying testimony to how intrinsic sex was to the daily lives of people in ancient India.

The importance of sex in our lives has remained quite unchanged. The crucial points to be kept in mind in relation to the same being

  • Sex is an integral part of our daily habits (Dinacharya).
  • Night and after two hours of dinner is the ideal time for intimacy, as it is kapha time.
  • An absolutely satisfying sexual union, when developed over time, bestows you and your partner with health and vitality.
  • For best results, each of the partners should be physically, emotionally and spiritually involved with the other.
  • Touch, smell, food, music and ambience play a vital role in developing, increasing and prolonging intimacy.
  • Perverted or unsatisfying sex has adverse effects on your mental and physical health, as it aggravates your vital energies (doshas) and reduces immunity. An aggravated vata will make you more emotionally vulnerable and fear-prone, increased pitta will move you to anger and even frustration and enhanced kapha will make you more possessive.
  • The frequency of sex depends on your constitution and seasons - kapha types indulge in sex more frequently than your vata & pitta types thanks to the extra stamina they possess.
  • Vata types might find satisfaction in changing partners. While the difficult to quench their desires pitta types are usually in quest for more intensity.

For more and better sex therefore, one can practice Vajikaran therapy (virlification) - that part of Ayurveda which enhances male fertility and potency. However, any misuse of the same may open up a deluge of emotional and psychological complications. Use of similar medication (aphrodisiac supplements) instantly induces sexual pleasure and excitement, increases sexual stamina and promotes fertile seminal secretions.


The most common problem of sexual dissatisfaction is premature ejaculation in males. Because it cut shorts the duration of intimacy and the couple cannot achieve full orgasm.


In most cases the root cause for this is very psychological. However, it is imperative to first check on all the pathological / physical causes. After treating them, the patients' self-confidence needs to be restored too.


The hectic pace of ultra modern lifestyle causes severe tension and excessive fatigue within individuals. This is usually the prime cause for lack of libido and unsatisfactory sexual performance.


Male infertility is often due to the sperm count falling below the fertility level. A large number of sperms are not motile, viable or exhibit morphological abnormalities.


It is an involuntary discharge of semen without undergoing orgasm. A distressing symptom in many patients, it leads to psychosomatic complaints as lack of concentration, headaches, excessive sweating, giddiness etc. Usually happens during sleep.


With the hectic lifestyles of this age and advancing years, the male desire for sexual intercourse tends to taper off early and sexual intimacy tends to become unsatisfactory.


This means even though a man has a strong desire to perform sexual act with a cooperative partner , he can not perform sexual act because of looseness (absence of erection ) of his phallus ( penis). Even if he performs sexual act with his determined efforts he does not get erection and gets afflicted with tiredness, perspiration and frustration to perform sex.

Physiology of erection

The two chambers of penis (corpora cavernosa,) which run throught the organ are filled with spongy tissue. The corpora cavernosa are surrounded by a membrane, called the tunica albuginea. The spongy tissue contains smooth muscles, fibrous tissues, spaces, veins, and arteries. The urethra, which is the channel for urine and semen runs along underside of the corpora cavernosa.

Due to sensory or mental stimulation, or both, the erection begins. Due to impulses from brain and local nerves the muscles of corpora cavernosa relax and allow blood to flow in and fill the spaces of spongy tissue.

The flow of blood creates pressure in the corpora cavernosa, making the penis expand. The tunica albuginea helps trap the blood in the chambers, thereby sustaining erection. When muscles in the penis contract to stop the inflow of blood and open outflow channels, erection recedes.

In ayurveda physiology of erection and ejaculation is described as follows

Vrishunow basthimedram cha naabhyuuru vankshnow gudam
Apaanasthaanamantrasthaha shukra mootra shakrunti cha

The “apaanavayu” one of the five types of vayu is located in the testicles, urinary bladder, phallus, umbilicus, thighs, groin, anus and colon. Its functions are ejaculation of semen, voiding of urine and stools”.

Shushruta explains the process of erection and ejaculation as “ When a man has desire (iccha) to have sex, his response to touch increases ( Vayu located in skin causes flow of signals from skin to brain, thus causing sensation of touch). This causes arousal or “harsha” . Arousal or Harsha intensifies actions of vayu and at this moment highly active vayu liberates the “teja “or heat of pitta. Thus tejas and vayu increase body temperature , heart beat and blood flow causing erection.

Causes of ED

Erection requires a sequence of events. Erectile dysfunction can occur when any of the events is disturbed. Nerve impulses in the brain, spinal column, around the penis and response in muscles, fibrous tissues, veins, and arteries in and around the corpora cavernosa constitute this sequence of events. Injury to any of these parts which are part of this sequence ( nerves, arteries, smooth muscles, fibrous tissue ) can cause ED.

Lowered level of testosterone hormone: The primary male hormone is testosterone. After age 40, a man's testosterone level gradually declines. About 5% of men that doctors see for erectile dysfunction have low testosterone levels. In many of these cases, low testosterone causes lower sexual interest, not erectile dysfunction. The whole male body responds to testosterone.

Even sushruta has illustrated about this response of body to the element “Shukra” . He has said

"yatha payasi sarpistu goodashchekshow raso yatha shareereshu tatha shukram nrinaam vidyaadhbishagwara"
This means The shukra ( the element which helps in reproduction) is present all over the body .

This can be explained with the following examples.

  • The ghee is present in milk in an invisible form. This is extracted from milk using many processes.
  • The sugar is present all over the sugarcane. It is extracted by subjecting the sugarcane to number of processes.
Same way shukra is present all over the body. But the cream of shukra (semen) comes out of the body only during the process of ejaculation. But this process of ejaculation needs a joyful union of mind and body.

Decrease in production of “Shukra” causes erectile dysfunction.

Over exertion - physically and mentally : Working for long hours in office, mental stress at office and home, short temperedness ,insufficient sleep cause erectile dysfunction.

These causes are explained in ayurveda as "shoka chintaa, bhaya, traasaat" which means that erectile dysfunction or Impotence occurs due to grief, fear, anxiety and terror.

Strained relationship with sexual partner: Erectile dysfunction also occurs when there is a disliking towards sexual partner.

Ayurveda describes this as "NaariNaamaRasamJnatWaat" means disliking for women.

Diseases that cause Erectile dysfunction : Neurological disorders, hypothyroidism, Parkinson's disease, anemia, depression, arthritis, endocrine disorders, diabetes, diseases related to cardiovascular system also become reasons for erectile dysfunction..

According to ayurveda the diseases which cause erectile dysfunction are "HritPaanDuroGatamakAkaamalAshrama" - Heart diseases , anemia , asthma , liver disorders , tiredness .Apart from these the imbalance in tridoshas also cause impotence or erectile dysfunction.

Consumption of medicines, drugs and tobacco : Using antidepressants, tranquilizers and antihypertensive medicines for a long time, addiction to tobacco especially smoking, excessive consumption of alcohol, addiction to cocaine, heroin and marijuana cause erectile dysfunction.

In ayurveda texts these causes have been said in brief as "rukshamannapaanam tathoushadham" - "dry food , drinks and medicines" cause impotence or erectile dysfunction.

Trauma to pelvic region : accidental injury to pelvic region and surgeries for the conditions of prostate, bladder, colon, or rectal area may lead to erectile dysfunction.

These causes are mentioned as abhighata (trauma), shastradantanakhakshataha (injury from weapons, teeth and nail.) in ayurveda.

Other reasons : Obesity, prolonged bicycle riding, past history of sexual abuse and old age also cause Erectile dysfunction.

Ayurveda describes the cause of impotence or erectile dysfunction due to old age as follows. " diminution of - tissue elements, strength, energy, span of life, inability to take nourishing food, physical and mental fatigue lead to impotence"

Remedies for ED

ED is treatable at any age. The total treatment in for impotence is called as “ Vajikarana therapy” in ayurveda. As this therapy increases the strength of a man to perform sexual act, like a horse, it is called 'Vaajikarana'. ( ' Vaaji'=Horse.)

Vaajikarana therapy leads to

  • Happiness.
  • Good strength.
  • Potency to produce healthy offspring.
  • Increased span of erection.

Eligibility for vajikarana therapy.

  • The vajikarana therapy should be administered to persons who are between 18 to 70 years of age.
  • These therapies should be administered only to a self controlled person. If this therapy is administered to a person who does not have self control, he becomes nuisance to society through his illegitimate sex acts


Decreasing anxiety associated with intercourse, with psychologically based treatment helps to cure ED. The patient's partner can help with the techniques, which include gradual development of intimacy and stimulation. Such techniques also can help relieve anxiety when ED from physical causes is being treated.

Same treatment is illustrated in ayurveda. It has been said “A woman who understands a man and is liked by him, along with erotic environment act as best aphrodisiac. “

Drug Therapy

Numerous herbal preparations are mentioned in Ayurveda to treat ED or impotence. It has been said that people who have strong sexual urge, who want to enjoy sex regularly have to consume these preparations regularly to replenish the energy, vigor, stamina and strength. These preparations also supply the nutrients which are necessary for production of semen.

Ayurveda tips to overcome ED

  • Consuming herbal preparations to rejuvenate the reproductive organs.
  • Massaging the body with a herbal oil which gives a relief from physical exertion and also acts as aphrodisiac.
  • Practicing Yoga and Meditation to overcome mental exertion and to cope up with stress.
  • Sleep at least for 8 hours a day.
  • Avoiding the consumption of alcohol, tobacco, heroin etc.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Avoid hot, spicy and bitter foods.
  • Favor sweets, milk products, nuts and urad dal.
  • Add little ghee in your diet.
  • Give a gap of four days between two consecutive intercourses

Our Way of treatment of a sexual weak patient

  • we offer a very effective ayurveda treatment
  • Our treatment having no side effect
  • we provide a world class counselling to patient
  • we treat the person like patient not like customer
  • we offer a very economic treatment